
Plotter.add_mesh_slice_orthogonal(mesh, generate_triangles=False, widget_color=None, tubing=False, interaction_event=45, **kwargs)[source]#

Slice a mesh with three interactive planes.

Adds three interactive plane slicing widgets for orthogonal slicing along each cartesian axis.

meshpyvista.DataSet or vtk.vtkAlgorithm

The input dataset to add to the scene and threshold or algorithm that produces said mesh.

generate_trianglesbool, optional

If this is enabled (False by default), the output will be triangles otherwise, the output will be the intersection polygons.

widget_colorColorLike, optional

Color of the widget. Either a string, RGB sequence, or hex color string. For example:

  • color='white'

  • color='w'

  • color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

  • color='#FFFFFF'

tubingbool, optional

When using an implicit plane wiget, this controls whether or not tubing is shown around the plane’s boundaries.

interaction_eventvtk.vtkCommand.EventIds, optional

The VTK interaction event to use for triggering the callback.

**kwargsdict, optional

All additional keyword arguments are passed to Plotter.add_mesh() to control how the mesh is displayed.


List of vtk.vtkActor(s).


Shows an interactive plane sliced along each cartesian axis of the mesh.

>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> pl = pv.Plotter()
>>> mesh = pv.Wavelet()
>>> _ = pl.add_mesh(mesh.outline())
>>> _ = pl.add_mesh_slice_orthogonal(mesh)