Compare interpolation/sampling methods

Compare interpolation/sampling methods#

There are two main methods of interpolating or sampling data from a target mesh in PyVista. pyvista.DataSetFilters.interpolate() uses a distance weighting kernel to interpolate point data from nearby points of the target mesh onto the desired points. pyvista.DataSetFilters.sample() interpolates data using the interpolation scheme of the enclosing cell from the target mesh.

If the target mesh is a point cloud, i.e. there is no connectivity in the cell structure, then pyvista.DataSetFilters.interpolate() is typically preferred. If interpolation is desired within the cells of the target mesh, then pyvista.DataSetFilters.sample() is typically desired.

Here the two methods are compared and contrasted using a simple example of sampling data from a mesh in a rectangular domain. This example demonstrates the main differences above. For more complex uses, see Detailed Interpolating Points and Detailed Resampling.

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

import pyvista as pv

Interpolating from point cloud#

A point cloud is a collection of points that have no connectivity in the mesh, i.e. the mesh contains no cells or the cells are 0D (vertex or polyvertex). The filter pyvista.DataSetFilters.interpolate() uses a distance-based weighting methodology to interpolate between the unconnected points.

First, generate a point cloud mesh in a rectangular domain from (0, 0) to (3, 1). The data to be sampled is the square of the y position.

rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
points = rng.uniform(low=[0, 0], high=[3, 1], size=(250, 2))
# Make points be z=0
points = np.hstack((points, np.zeros((250, 1))))
point_mesh = pv.PolyData(points)
point_mesh['ysquared'] = points[:, 1] ** 2

The point cloud data looks like this.

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(point_mesh, render_points_as_spheres=True, point_size=10)
interpolate sample

Now estimate data on a regular grid from the point data. Note that the distance parameter radius determines how far away to look for point cloud data.

grid = pv.ImageData(dimensions=(11, 11, 1), spacing=[3 / 10, 1 / 10, 1])
output = grid.interpolate(point_mesh, radius=0.1, null_value=-1)
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells100
N Points121
X Bounds0.000e+00, 3.000e+00
Y Bounds0.000e+00, 1.000e+00
Z Bounds0.000e+00, 0.000e+00
Dimensions11, 11, 1
Spacing3.000e-01, 1.000e-01, 1.000e+00
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

When using radius=0.1, the expected extents of the data are captured reasonably well over the domain, but there are holes in the data (represented by the darkest blue colors) caused by no points within the radius to interpolate from.

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(output, clim=[0, 1])
pl.add_mesh(points, render_points_as_spheres=True, point_size=10, color='red')
interpolate sample

Now repeat with radius=0.25. There are no holes but the extents of the data is much narrower than [0, 1]. This is caused by more interior points involved in the weighting near the lower and upper edges of the domain. Other parameters such as sharpness could be tuned to try to lessen the issue.

grid = pv.ImageData(dimensions=(11, 11, 1), spacing=[3 / 10, 1 / 10, 1])
output = grid.interpolate(point_mesh, radius=0.25, null_value=-1)

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(output, clim=[0, 1])
pl.add_mesh(points, render_points_as_spheres=True, point_size=10, color='red')
interpolate sample

While this filter is very useful for point clouds, it is possible to use it to interpolate from the points on other mesh types. With unstuitable choice of radius the interpolation doesn’t look very good. It is recommended consider using pyvista.DataSetFilters.sample() in a case like this (see next section below). However, there may be cases with non-point cloud meshes where pyvista.DataSetFilters.interpolate() is still preferred.

sphere = pv.SolidSphere(center=(0.5, 0.5, 0), outer_radius=1.0)
sphere['ysquared'] = sphere.points[:, 1] ** 2
output = grid.interpolate(sphere, radius=0.1)

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(output, clim=[0, 1])
pl.add_mesh(sphere, style='wireframe', color='white')
interpolate sample

Sampling from a mesh with connectivity#

This example is in many ways the opposite of the prior one. A mesh with cell connectivity that spans 2 dimensions is sampled at discrete points using pyvista.DataSetFilters.sample(). Importantly, the cell connectivity enables direct interpolation inside the domain without needing distance or weighting parametization.

First, show that sample does not work with point clouds with data. Either pyvista.DataSetFilters.interpolate() or the snap_to_closest_point parameter must be used.

grid = pv.ImageData(dimensions=(11, 11, 1), spacing=[3 / 10, 1 / 10, 1])
output = grid.sample(point_mesh)
# value of (0, 0) shows that no data was sampled
print(f'(min, max): {output["ysquared"].min()}, {output["ysquared"].min()}')
(min, max): 0.0, 0.0

Create the non-point cloud mesh that will be sampled from and plot it.

grid = pv.ImageData(dimensions=(11, 11, 1), spacing=[3 / 10, 1 / 10, 1])
grid['ysquared'] = grid.points[:, 1] ** 2

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(grid, clim=[0, 1])
interpolate sample

Now sample it at the discrete points used in the first example.

point_mesh = pv.PolyData(points)
output = point_mesh.sample(grid)
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells250
N Points250
N Strips0
X Bounds1.923e-02, 2.992e+00
Y Bounds3.007e-04, 9.951e-01
Z Bounds0.000e+00, 0.000e+00
N Arrays4
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

This looks identical to the first plot of the first example as the data is not noisy, and there is little interpolation error.

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(output, render_points_as_spheres=True, point_size=10)
interpolate sample

Instead of sampling onto a point cloud, pyvista.DataSetFilters.sample() can sample using other mesh types. For example, sampling onto a rotated subset of the grid.

Make subset (0.7, 0.7, 0) units in dimension and then rotate by 45 degrees around its center.

subset = pv.ImageData(dimensions=(8, 8, 1), spacing=[0.1, 0.1, 0], origin=(0.15, 0.15, 0))
rotated_subset = subset.rotate_vector(vector=(0, 0, 1), angle=45, point=(0.5, 0.5, 0))
output = rotated_subset.sample(grid)
/home/runner/work/pyvista/pyvista/pyvista/core/utilities/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  K = (SK * (I3 == 0.0)) / S[:, np.newaxis] + I3
/home/runner/work/pyvista/pyvista/pyvista/core/ UserWarning: The transformation matrix has a shear component which has been removed.
Shear is not supported when setting `ImageData` `index_to_physical_matrix`.
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells49
N Points64
X Bounds5.025e-03, 9.950e-01
Y Bounds5.025e-03, 9.950e-01
Z Bounds0.000e+00, 0.000e+00
Dimensions8, 8, 1
Spacing1.000e-01, 1.000e-01, 0.000e+00
N Arrays4
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

The data in the sampled region looks identical to the original grid due to the well-behaved nature of the data and low interpolation error.

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(grid, style='wireframe', clim=[0, 1])
pl.add_mesh(output, clim=[0, 1])
interpolate sample

Repeat the sphere interpolation example, but using pyvista.DataSetFilters.sample(). This method is directly able to sample from the mesh in this case without fiddling with distance weighting parameters.

sphere = pv.SolidSphere(center=(0.5, 0.5, 0), outer_radius=1.0)
sphere['ysquared'] = sphere.points[:, 1] ** 2
output = grid.sample(sphere)

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(output, clim=[0, 1])
pl.add_mesh(sphere, style='wireframe', color='white')
interpolate sample

Tags: filter

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