Mesh Creation#

These examples demo how to read various file types into PyVista mesh objects, create meshes from NumPy arrays, and how to create primitive geometric objects like spheres, arrows, cubes, ellipsoids and more.

Once a mesh is loaded, it is ready for plotting with just a few lines of code - explore these examples to get started with using PyVista for your data.

Creating an Explicit Structured Grid

Creating an Explicit Structured Grid

Geometric Objects

Geometric Objects

Create a Kochanek Spline

Create a Kochanek Spline

Parametric Geometric Objects

Parametric Geometric Objects



Platonic Solids

Platonic Solids

Create Point Cloud

Create Point Cloud

Create a PointSet

Create a PointSet

Create PolyData

Create PolyData

Triangle Strips

Triangle Strips

Unstructured Grid with Polyhedra

Unstructured Grid with Polyhedra

Creating a Spline

Creating a Spline

Creating a Structured Surface

Creating a Structured Surface

Drape 2D Surface From Line

Drape 2D Surface From Line

Create Triangulated Surface

Create Triangulated Surface

Plot Truss-like FEA Solution with Cylinders

Plot Truss-like FEA Solution with Cylinders

Creating a Uniform Grid

Creating a Uniform Grid

Creating an Unstructured Grid

Creating an Unstructured Grid

Linear Cells

Linear Cells

Working with glTF Files

Working with glTF Files

Working with VRML Files

Working with VRML Files

Read FEniCS/Dolfin Meshes

Read FEniCS/Dolfin Meshes

Load and Plot from a File

Load and Plot from a File

Read Image Files

Read Image Files

Parallel Files

Parallel Files

Load data using a Reader

Load data using a Reader

Terrain Following Mesh

Terrain Following Mesh

Wrapping Other Objects

Wrapping Other Objects