
PickingHelper.enable_horizon_picking(callback=None, normal=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), width=None, show_message=True, font_size=18, color='pink', point_size=10, line_width=5, show_path=True, opacity=0.75, show_horizon=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Enable horizon picking.

Helper for the enable_path_picking method to also show a ribbon surface along the picked path. Ribbon is saved under .picked_horizon.

callbackcallable(), optional

When given, calls this callable after a pick is made. The entire picked path is passed as the only parameter to this callable.

normalsequence[float], default: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

The normal to the horizon surface’s projection plane.

widthfloat, optional

The width of the horizon surface. Default behaviour will dynamically change the surface width depending on its length.

show_messagebool | str, default: True

Show the message about how to use the horizon picking tool. If this is a string, that will be the message shown.

font_sizeint, default: 18

Sets the font size of the message.

colorColorLike, default: “pink”

The color of the horizon surface if shown.

point_sizeint, default: 10

Size of picked points if show_horizon is True.

line_widthfloat, default: 5.0

Thickness of path representation if show_horizon is True.

show_pathbool, default: True

Show the picked path that the horizon is built from interactively.

opacityfloat, default: 0.75

The opacity of the horizon surface if shown.

show_horizonbool, default: True

Show the picked horizon surface interactively.

**kwargsdict, optional

All remaining keyword arguments are used to control how the picked path is interactively displayed.