
property PolyData.n_faces: int[source]#

Return the number of cells.

Deprecated since version 0.43.0: The current (deprecated) behavior of this property is to return the total number of cells, i.e. the sum of the number of vertices, lines, triangle strips, and polygonal faces. In the future, this will change to return only the number of polygonal faces, i.e. those cells represented in the pv.PolyData.faces array. If you want the total number of cells, use pv.PolyData.n_cells. If you want only the number of polygonal faces, use pv.PolyData.n_faces_strict. Alternatively, you can opt into the future behavior globally by calling pv.PolyData.use_strict_n_faces(True), in which case pv.PolyData.n_faces will return the same thing as pv.PolyData.n_faces_strict.