
PyVista is a powerful tool that researchers can harness to create compelling, integrated visualizations of large datasets in an intuitive, Pythonic manner.

PyVista is used across science and engineering disciplines by a diverse community to visualize data/models in 3D, generate publication-quality illustrations, automate analysis workflows, and build custom applications leveraging PyVista’s 3D capabilities.

Here are a few open-source projects that leverage PyVista:


  • pyleecan: Electrical engineering open-source software providing a user-friendly, unified, flexible simulation framework for the multiphysic design and optimization of electrical machines and drives.

  • pymapdl: Pythonic interface to Ansys MAPDL.

  • pyprocar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

  • AeroSandbox: Plug-and-play analysis tools for aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, trajectory design, and much more.

  • Ptera: Software for analyzing flapping-wing flight.

  • PyViewFactor: A tool for the numerical computation of radiation view factors, with applications in building physics, thermal comfort and heat transfer.

  • vision6D: An open-source software for 6D pose estimation (3D rotation and 3D translation in the camera coordinate frame) related projects. Create the ground truth labels of 2D-3D dense correspondence.


  • GemPy: 3D structural geological modeling software using PyVista for 3D visualization and interaction.

  • gemgis: Spatial data processing for geomodeling.

  • gimli: Geophysical inversion and modeling library.

  • discretize: Discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems.

  • SEGY-SAK: SEGY Swiss Army Knife for Seismic Data.

  • subsurface: Core data exchange library for subsurface science and engineering.

  • Flownet: Data-Driven Reservoir Predictions.

  • PVGeo: Python package of VTK-based algorithms to analyze geoscientific data and models. PyVista is used to make the inputs and outputs of PVGeo’s algorithms more accessible.

  • omfvista: 3D visualization for the Open Mining Format (omf). PyVista provides the foundation for this library’s visualization.

Many More#

  • VesselVio: Analysis and visualization of segmented vasculature datasets.

  • pymeshfix: Python/Cython wrapper of Marco Attene’s wonderful, award-winning MeshFix software.

  • tetgen: Python Interface to Hang Si’s C++ TetGen Library.

  • itkwidgets: Interactive Jupyter widgets to visualize images, point sets, and meshes in 2D and 3D. Supports all PyVista mesh types.

  • mne-python: MNE: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python.

  • pyntcloud: Python library for working with 3D point clouds.

  • DiSECt: Differentiable Cutting Simulator.

  • torch-points3d: Pytorch framework for doing deep learning on point clouds.

  • pyprocar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

  • FEniCSx: FEniCS Problem Solving Environment in Python and C++.