- voxelize( )[source]#
Voxelize mesh to UnstructuredGrid.
- Parameters:
- mesh
Mesh to voxelize.
- density
| array_like[float
] The uniform size of the voxels when single float passed. A list of densities along x,y,z directions. Defaults to 1/100th of the mesh length.
- check_surfacebool, default:
Specify whether to check the surface for closure. If on, then the algorithm first checks to see if the surface is closed and manifold. If the surface is not closed and manifold, a runtime error is raised.
- enclosedbool, default:
If True, the voxel bounds will be outside the mesh. If False, the voxel bounds will be at or inside the mesh bounds.
- fit_boundsbool, default:
If enabled, the end bound of the input mesh is used as the end bound of the voxel grid and the density is updated to the closest compatible one. Otherwise, the end bound is excluded. Has no effect if enclosed is enabled.
- mesh
- Returns:
Voxelized unstructured grid of the original mesh.
See also
Similar function that returns a
with cell data.pyvista.DataSetFilters.voxelize_binary_mask
Similar function that returns a
with point data.
Prior to version 0.39.0, this method improperly handled the order of structured coordinates.
Create an equal density voxelized mesh.
>>> import pyvista as pv >>> from pyvista import examples >>> mesh = examples.download_bunny_coarse().clean() >>> vox = pv.voxelize(mesh, density=0.01) >>> vox.plot(show_edges=True)
Create a voxelized mesh using unequal density dimensions.
>>> vox = pv.voxelize(mesh, density=[0.01, 0.005, 0.002]) >>> vox.plot(show_edges=True)
Create an equal density voxel volume without enclosing input mesh.
>>> vox = pv.voxelize(mesh, density=0.01) >>> vox = vox.select_enclosed_points(mesh, tolerance=0.0) >>> vox.plot(scalars='SelectedPoints', show_edges=True)
Create an equal density voxel volume enclosing input mesh.
>>> vox = pv.voxelize(mesh, density=0.01, enclosed=True) >>> vox = vox.select_enclosed_points(mesh, tolerance=0.0) >>> vox.plot(scalars='SelectedPoints', show_edges=True)
Create a voxelized mesh that does not fit the input mesh’s bounds. Notice the cropped rectangular box.
>>> mesh = pv.Cube(x_length=0.25) >>> vox = pv.voxelize(mesh=mesh, density=0.2) >>> pl = pv.Plotter() >>> _ = pl.add_mesh(mesh=vox, show_edges=True, color='yellow') >>> _ = pl.add_mesh(mesh=mesh, show_edges=True, line_width=5, opacity=0.4) >>>
Create a voxelized mesh that fits the input mesh’s bounds. The rectangular mesh is now complete. Notice that the voxel size was updated to fit the bounds in the first direction.
>>> vox = pv.voxelize(mesh=mesh, density=0.2, fit_bounds=True) >>> pl = pv.Plotter() >>> _ = pl.add_mesh(mesh=vox, show_edges=True, color='yellow') >>> _ = pl.add_mesh(mesh=mesh, show_edges=True, line_width=5, opacity=0.4) >>>