

property Theme.interpolate_before_map: bool[source]#

Return or set whether to interpolate colors before mapping.

If the interpolate_before_map is turned off, the color mapping occurs at polygon points and colors are interpolated, which is generally less accurate whereas if the interpolate_before_map is on (the default), then the scalars will be interpolated across the topology of the dataset which is more accurate.

See also Interpolate Before Mapping.


Enable hidden line removal.

>>> import pyvista as pv

Load a cylinder which has cells with a wide spread

>>> cyl = pv.Cylinder(direction=(0, 0, 1), height=2).elevation()

Common display argument to make sure all else is constant

>>> dargs = dict(scalars='Elevation', cmap='rainbow', show_edges=True)
>>> p = pv.Plotter(shape=(1, 2))
>>> _ = p.add_mesh(
...     cyl,
...     interpolate_before_map=False,
...     scalar_bar_args={'title': 'Elevation - interpolated'},
...     **dargs,
... )
>>> p.subplot(0, 1)
>>> _ = p.add_mesh(
...     cyl,
...     interpolate_before_map=True,
...     scalar_bar_args={'title': 'Elevation - interpolated'},
...     **dargs,
... )
>>> p.link_views()
>>> p.camera_position = [
...     (-1.67, -5.10, 2.06),
...     (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
...     (0.00, 0.37, 0.93),
... ]