
Dataset Filters#

The pyvista.DataSetFilters is inherited by pyvista.DataSet making all the following filters available as callable methods directly from any PyVista dataset.

DataSetFilters(*args, **kwargs)

A set of common filters that can be applied to any vtkDataSet.

PolyData Filters#

The pyvista.PolyDataFilters is inherited by pyvista.PolyData making all the following filters available as callable methods directly from any PolyData mesh.

PolyDataFilters(*args, **kwargs)

An internal class to manage filters/algorithms for polydata datasets.

UnstructuredGrid Filters#

The pyvista.UnstructuredGridFilters is inherited by pyvista.UnstructuredGrid making all the following filters available as callable methods directly from any UnstructuredGrid mesh.

UnstructuredGridFilters(*args, **kwargs)

An internal class to manage filters/algorithms for unstructured grid datasets.

ImageData Filters#

The pyvista.ImageDataFilters is inherited by pyvista.ImageData making all the following filters available as callable methods directly from any ImageData mesh.

ImageDataFilters(*args, **kwargs)

An internal class to manage filters/algorithms for uniform grid datasets.

Composite Filters#

These are filters that can be applied to composite datasets, that is pyvista.MultiBlock. The pyvista.CompositeFilters class inherits many but not all of the filters from pyvista.DataSetFilters.

CompositeFilters(*args, **kwargs)

An internal class to manage filters/algorithms for composite datasets.