

vectors: str | None = None,
source_center: VectorLike[float] | None = None,
source_radius: float | None = None,
n_points: int = 100,
start_position: VectorLike[float] | None = None,
return_source: bool = False,
pointa: VectorLike[float] | None = None,
pointb: VectorLike[float] | None = None,
progress_bar: bool = False,

Integrate a vector field to generate streamlines.

The default behavior uses a sphere as the source - set its location and radius via the source_center and source_radius keyword arguments. n_points defines the number of starting points on the sphere surface. Alternatively, a line source can be used by specifying pointa and pointb. n_points again defines the number of points on the line.

You can retrieve the source by specifying return_source=True.

Optional keyword parameters from pyvista.DataSetFilters.streamlines_from_source() can be used here to control the generation of streamlines.

vectorsstr, optional

The string name of the active vector field to integrate across.

source_centersequence[float], optional

Length 3 tuple of floats defining the center of the source particles. Defaults to the center of the dataset.

source_radiusfloat, optional

Float radius of the source particle cloud. Defaults to one-tenth of the diagonal of the dataset’s spatial extent.

n_pointsint, default: 100

Number of particles present in source sphere or line.

start_positionsequence[float], optional

A single point. This will override the sphere point source.

return_sourcebool, default: False

Return the source particles as pyvista.PolyData as well as the streamlines. This will be the second value returned if True.

pointa, pointbsequence[float], optional

The coordinates of a start and end point for a line source. This will override the sphere and start_position point source.

progress_barbool, default: False

Display a progress bar to indicate progress.

**kwargsdict, optional

See pyvista.DataSetFilters.streamlines_from_source().


This produces polylines as the output, with each cell (i.e., polyline) representing a streamline. The attribute values associated with each streamline are stored in the cell data, whereas those associated with streamline-points are stored in the point data.


The points of the source are the seed points for the streamlines. Only returned if return_source=True.


See the Streamlines example.